Welcome to Windrem Financial Group Inc.

Retirement Planning: Will You Have Enough to Last Your Lifetime?
Many people nearing retirement are giving some serious thought to how they are going to manage in retirement. There are several retirement risks that need to be addressed so that your retirement will not create anxiety. This is a topic that we are very familiar with. Let us help you build the plan so that you know you will have enough to last your lifetime. For an overview of the some of the details and also some scenarios to consider, please click here.

What should clients do about looming Capital Gains Taxes on the Family Cottage?
The Keep the Cottage in the Family strategy provides you the opportunity to redistribute some of your taxable investments, particularly your bond or GIC portfolios, into a participating whole life insurance policy to enjoy tax-deferred savings and a tax-free death benefit that can be used to preserve and enhance your estate by covering the capital gains taxes owing on the family cottage when you pass away.

Estate Planning: You Have a Will, But Do You Have a Way?
You may think of life insurance as straightforward coverage – something to help cover final expenses at death. While that's true, there may be more costs to consider than just final expenses. If you want to pass assets on to heirs or charities at death, there may be taxes owing. This may be a tax bill your heirs or charities weren't expecting.
"You Have a Will, But Do You Have a Way?" helps make you aware of potential taxes that may have to be paid, impacting the legacy you plan to leave to heirs or charities. It shows how the proceeds of a participating life insurance policy could be used to cover possible taxes owing upon death. To watch the video click here.

Great Deals on Travel Insurance this Time of Year
Even if it is the last minute, do not forget to ensure you have the proper travel insurance. We have now made it much easier by providing you the ability to purchase online even if it is the last minute.
The following links allow you to get quotes and compare them so you can make the choice that best serves your travel insurance needs. Once you have done your comparison you can simply click on the link to purchase directly online. We want to make your choice to travel as simple and enjoyable as possible.
Bon Voyage!
Click here to buy Blue Cross Travel Insurance Online
Click here to buy GMS Travel Insurance Online.
Click here to buy Manulife Individual Travel Insurance.
Click here to buy GMS Visitors to Canada Travel Insurance Online.

Individual Health and Dental Plans Online
We know how busy life can be. We now offer more choice and flexibility than ever to review and purchase your Individual Health and Dental Plan needs online.
The following links allow you to get quotes and compare them so you can make the choice that best serves your health and dental insurance needs. Once you have done your comparison you can simply click on the link to purchase directly online. We want to make your choice as simple and enjoyable as possible.
For Blue Cross Individual Health and Dental Plans
For GMS Individual Health and Dental Plans
For Manulife Individual Health and Dental Plans
For Private Health Spending Accounts or for corporately owned plans for groups as small as one owner, visit the Employee Benefits link above.
Click here to listen to our radio ad.

Mortgage Protection: What You NEED to Know
Do you own your own home and pay a mortgage? Do you ever wonder how you would continue to do so if there was a substantial decrease in your household income?
CLICK HERE to find out more: INFOclip: Mortgage Protection (thelinkbetween.ca)

Tax Free Savings Accounts
Find out what all the hype is about. See if a TFSA is right for you.
A TFSA is a flexible investment account that can help you meet both your short- and long-term goals.
Investment income in a TFSA – whether you're earning interest, dividends or capital gains – are not taxed, even when withdrawn. This tax-free compound growth means that your money grows more quickly inside a TFSA than in a taxable account.
Click here for more information.

First Home Savings Account (FHSA)
Is the First Homes Saving Account for you?
The First Home Savings Account (FHSA) is a registered account allowing prospective first-time home buyers to save for their first home (up to a certain limit). Client contributions are tax deductible, and funds can be withdrawn tax free when a client is purchasing their first home.
Click here for more information.

Notary Public Services
We offer the services of a Notary Public and the best kept secret is that these services are free for our valued existing clients. Let us help you take care of all your notary needs.